구분 | 교과목 번호 |
교과목명 | 학점시수 | |
국문 | 영문 | |||
전공 | 20000 | 연구윤리 | Research Ethics | 0-0-0 |
27003 | 산업시스템공학 세미나 | Industrial System Engineering Seminar | 3-3-0 | |
27005 | 졸업논문 | Thesis - Pass/Fail | 0-0-0 | |
27012 | 통신시스템 | Communications System | 3-3-0 | |
27026 | 에너지소재특론 | Advanced Energy Materials | 3-3-0 | |
27029 | 컴퓨터공학특론 | Special Topics in Computer Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27037 | 생산자동화공학 | Production Automation Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27053 | 산업시스템공학개론 | Introduction to Industrial System Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27054 | 산업재산권 | Industrial Property | 3-3-0 | |
27055 | 품질경영 | Quality Management | 3-3-0 | |
27057 | 에너지변환화학시스템 | Energy Conversion Chemistry System | 3-3-0 | |
27059 | 재료공학개론 | Introduction to Materials Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27060 | 전자재료 | Introduction to Electronic Materials | 3-3-0 | |
27063 | 데이터통신특론 | Advanced Data Communication | 3-3-0 | |
27065 | 재료거동학특론 | Advanced Mechanical Behavior of Materials | 3-3-0 | |
27068 | CAE개론 | Introduction to Computer Aided Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27070 | 정보보호특론 | Special Topics in Information Security | 3-3-0 | |
27071 | 소프트웨어공학특론 | Special Topics in Software Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27072 | 미래에너지특론 | Advanced Future Energy | 3-3-0 | |
27074 | 생산 및 품질관리 | Manufacturing and Quality Control | 3-3-0 | |
27075 | 차세대 네트워크 | Next Generation Network | 3-3-0 | |
27092 | 전자공학특론 | Advanced Electronics | 3-3-0 | |
27093 | 나노기능소재특론 | Advanced Nanofunctional Materials | 3-3-0 | |
27094 | 산업시스템설계특론 | Advanced Industrial System Design | 3-3-0 | |
27095 | 신탄소재료특론 | Advanced New Carbon Materials | 3-3-0 | |
27096 | 수소전기차개론 | Introduction to Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle | 3-3-0 | |
27097 | 컴퓨터비전 | Computer Vision | 3-3-0 | |
27098 | 인공지능 | Artificial Intelligence | 3-3-0 | |
27099 | 빅데이터 | Big Data | 3-3-0 | |
27100 | 사물인터넷 | Internet of Things | 3-3-0 | |
27101 | 금융 및 경제성공학 | Finance and Engineering Economics | 3-3-0 | |
27102 | 리스크 분석 및 관리 | Risk Analysis and Management | 3-3-0 | |
27103 | 공정 및 원가관리 | Scheduling and Estimating | 3-3-0 | |
27104 | 프로젝트 정보화 및 자동화 | Project Information Technology and Automation | 3-3-0 | |
27105 | 전력IT | Power Information Technology | 3-3-0 | |
27106 | 자동제어 | Automatic Control | 3-3-0 | |
27107 | 화학공학개론 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering | 3-3-0 | |
27108 | 데이터베이스개론 | Introduction to Database | 3-3-0 | |
27109 | 메타버스 기술 | Metaverse Technology | 3-3-0 | |
27110 | 공기조화 시스템 공학 | Air Conditioning System Engineering | 3-3-0 |